水凝膠材料開發 (Hydrogel Materials)

水凝膠主要具有高度親水特性, 因此本研究團隊透過半導體製程製備水凝膠吸附劑或水凝膠觸媒, 目前可針對水中不同金屬離子達到選擇性去除或提純, 而且在再生應用上也可達到90%以上之再生效率, 達到可重複使用之目的已降低使用成本; 除了水凝膠吸附劑之外, 本研究團隊也將水凝膠材料衍生至單分子觸媒, 光觸媒以及生物觸媒的開發, 預期將水中汙染物轉化解將低對於環境的衝擊, 目前針對全氟化合物, 環境賀爾蒙及農藥為主要討論對象
Hydrogel exhibit extremely high hydrophilic properties. Therefore, hydrogel-based materials are designed as adsorbents for removing cation (metal ion/ammonium ion) and anion (nitrate/nitrite). The spent hydrogel-based adsorbents are regenerable so that they are also considered as environmental-friendly materials. Hydrogel materials are developed as polymeric catalysts, like photocatalyst, biocatalyst, bioreactor, or metallic catalyst.
- PJ Huang, M Hwangbo, Z Chen, Y Liu, J Kameoka, KH Chu Reusable functionalized hydrogel sorbents for removing long-and short-chain perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) and GenX from aqueous solution, ACS omega 3 (12), 17447-17455
- Thakshila Nadeeshani Dharmapriya, DingYang Li, Yi-Chen Chung, Po-Jung Huang, Green Synthesis of Reusable Adsorbents for the Removal of Heavy Metal Ions, ACS omega
- Thakshila Nadeeshani Dharmapriya, Hsin-Yin Shih and Po-Jung Huang (2022 March). Facile Synthesis of Hydrogel-Based Ion-Exchange Resins for Nitrite/Nitrate Removal and Studies of Adsorption Behavior Polymers, 2022, 14(7), 1442
- Sheng-Ruei Huang, Po-Jung Huang (2021, Nov). Visible-Light Driven Graphene Oxide/Titanium Dioxide Hydrogels for Photocatalytic Reduction of Nitrite. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering.