Thakshila Nadeeshani Dharmapriya, Po‑Jung Huang, Dissanayakage Dilshan Sampath Dissanayaka, Jinendra Jayasanka Dharmapriya, Paichi Pat Shein Survey on social awareness towards energy conservation and ESD lesson on biofuel as a renewable energy source, Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 2023. (
Thakshila Nadeeshani Dharmapriya, Shih-Yang Wu, Ken-Lin Chang, Po-Jung Huang, Hydrogel-based heterogeneous-acid-catalysts for converting carbohydrates into the platform chemical: 5-hydroxymethylfurfural,Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 149, 2023, 104997
Po‐Jung Huang, Chao‐Kuei Lee, Ling‐Hau Lee, Hsiang‐Fu Huang, Yi‐Hsuan Huang, Jia‐Chi Lan, Chih‐Hung Lee (2023 May). Surface‐enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) by gold nanoparticle characterizes dermal thickening by collagen in bleomycin‐treated skin ex vivo , Skin Research and Technology, 29(5), e13334
A Santhana Krishna Kumar, Wei-Bin Tseng, Emmanuvel Arputharaj, Po-Jung Huang, Wei-Lung Tseng, Tomasz Bajda (2023 Apr). Covalent Organic Framework Nanosheets as an Enhancer for Light-Responsive Oxidase-like Nanozymes: Multifunctional Applications in Colorimetric Sensing, Antibiotic Degradation, and Antibacterial Agents, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 11(18), 6956–6969
Thakshila Nadeeshani Dharmapriya, Hsin-Yin Shih and Po-Jung Huang(2022 March). Facile Synthesis of Hydrogel-Based Ion-Exchange Resins for Nitrite/Nitrate Removal and Studies of Adsorption Behavior Polymers, 14(7), 1442
Min-Ying Hsieh
and Po-Jung Huang(2022 Jan). Magnetic nanoprobes for rapid detection of
copper ion in aqueous environment by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy RSC Adv., 2022,12, 921-928
Sheng-Ruei Huang, Po-Jung Huang(2022, Jan). Visible-Light Driven Graphene Oxide/Titanium Dioxide Hydrogels for Photocatalytic Reduction of Nitrite. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 10 (1), 106902.
Thakshila Nadeeshani Dharmapriya, DingYang Li, Yi-Chen Chung, and Po-Jung
Huang(2021, Nov). Green Synthesis of Reusable Adsorbents for the Removal of
Heavy Metal Ions. ACS Omega, 6 (45), 30478-30487.
Yi-Hao Chen, Po-Jung Huang(2021, Nov). Sono-assisted Rapid Dye Removal
by Chromium-Based Metal Organic Frameworks Derived from Waste PET
Bottles: Characterization, kinetics and adsorption isotherms. Journal of
Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9 (6), 106766.
Po-Jung Huang, Wen-Hsi Cheng, Chia-Yu Chang (2021, Oct). Sulfonation of
Divinylbenzene Adsorbents Packed in a Micro Sampler to Extract Airborne
Organic Compounds. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 21, 210157
Thakshila N Dharmapriya, Ding-Yang Lee, Po-Jung Huang(2021, Oct). Novel
reusable hydrogel adsorbents for precious metal recycle. Scientific Report, 11
(1), 1-12.
Nathangi Piyawardhana, Veran Weerathunga, Hsu-Sen Chen, Laodong Guo, PoJung Huang, R.R.M.K.P.Ranatunga, Chin-Chang Hung (2021, Sep). Occurrence
of Microplastics in Commercial Marine Dried Fish in Asian Countries. Journal
of Hazardous Materials, 423, 127093.
Chao-Kai Chou, Yen-Liang Liu, Yuan-I Chen, Po-Jung Huang, Pei-Hsiang Tsou,
Chun-Te Chen, Heng-Huan Lee, Ying-Nai Wang, Jennifer L Hsu, Jin-Fong Lee,
Thomas E Yankeelov, Jun Kameoka, Hsin-Chih Yeh, Mien-Chie Hung (2020,
Feb). Digital Receptor Occupancy Assay in Quantifying On-and Off-Target
Binding Affinities of Therapeutic Antibodies. ACS sensors, 5(2), 296-302.
Wen Zhang, Jingyong Liu, Yujie Wang, Jian Sun, Pojung Huang , Kenlin Chang
(2020, Jan). Effect of ultrasound on ionic liquid-hydrochloric acid pretreatment
with rice straw. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery
Po-Jung Huang, Myung Hwangbo, Zheyuan Chen, Yina Liu, Jun Kameoka,
Kung-Hui Chu (2018, Dec). Reusable Functionalized Hydrogel Sorbents for
Removing Long-and Short-Chain Perfluoroalkyl Acids (PFAAs) and GenX from
Aqueous Solution. ACS Omega, 3 (12), 17447-17455.
Po-Jung Huang, Jian Qu, Pradip Saha, Anastasia Muliana and Jun Kameoka
(2018, Nov). Microencapsulation of beta cells in collagen micro-disks via
circular pneumatically actuated soft micro-mold (cPASMO) Device. Biomedical
Physics & Engineering Express, 5, 015004.
Chao-Kai Chou, Po-Jung Huang, Pei-Hsiang Tsou, Yongkun Wei, Heng-Huan
Lee, Ying-Nai Wang, Yen-Liang Liu, Colin Shi, Hsin-Chih Yeh, Jun Kameoka,
Mien-Chie Hung (2018, Oct). A flow-proteometric platform for analyzing
protein concentration (FAP): Proof of concept for quantification of PD-L1
protein in cells and tissues. Biosensor and Bioelectronics, 117,97-103.
Po-Jung Huang, Chao-Kai Chou, Chun-Te Chen, Hirohito Yamaguchi, Jian Qu,
Anastasia Muliana, Mien-Chie Hung, and Jun Kameoka (2017, Dec).
Pneumatically Actuated Soft Micromold Device for Fabricating Collagen and
Matrigel Microparticles. Soft Robotics, 4(4):390-399.
Po-Jung Huang, Haley L. Marks, Gerard L. Coté, and Jun Kameoka (2017, Jun).
A magneto-fluidic nanoparticle trapping platform for surface-enhanced Raman
spectroscopy. Biomicrofluidics, 11, 034116.
Haley Marks, Po-Jung Huang, Samuel Mabbott, Duncan Graham, Jun Kameoka,
and Gerard Coté (2016, Dec). Ferric plasmonic nanoparticles, aptamers, and
magnetofluidic chips:toward the development of diagnostic surface-enhanced
Raman spectroscopy assays. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 21(12), 127005.
S. A. P. L. Samarasinghe, Yiru Shao, Po-Jung Huang, Michael Pishko, Kung-Hui
Chu, Jun Kameoka (2016, Nov). Fabrication of Bacteria Environment Cubes
with Dry Lift-Off Fabrication Process for Enhanced Nitrification. PLoS One,
11(11): e0165839.
Brian M. Walton, Po-Jung Huang, Jun Kameoka, and Gerard L. Cote (2016,
Aug). Use of a micro- to nanochannel for the characterization of surface
enhanced Raman spectroscopy signals from unique functionalized nanoparticles.
journal of Biomedical Optics, 21(8), 085006.
Po-Jung Huang, Ken-Lin Chang, Jung-Feng Hsieh, Shui-Tein Chen, Catalysis of rice straw hydrolysis by the combination of immobilized cellulase from Aspergillus niger on β-cyclodextrin-Fe3O4 nanoparticles and ionic liquid, BioMed research international 2015
Ken-Lin Chang, Jung-Feng Hsieh, Bay-Ming Ou, Min-Hsuan Chang, Wei-Ying Hseih, Jun-Hong Lin, Po-Jung Huang, Kam-Fei Wong, Shui-Tein Chen, Adsorption studies on the removal of an endocrine-disrupting compound (Bisphenol A) using activated carbon from rice straw agricultural waste, Separation Science and Technology 47 (10), 1514-1521
Amila Kasun Abeysinghe, Yen-Pin Peng, and Po-Jung Huang (2023 Oct.) Unveiling the Remarkable Photocatalytic Activity of H2O2-Assisted MOF/COF Hybrid Material under Visible Light for Degradation of Methylene Blue Dye. 9th IWA-ASPIRE conference & exhibition
Amila Kasun Abeysinghe and Po-Jung Huang (2023 Jan.) Exploration of H2O2- assisted MOF/COF hybrid material as exceptional visible-light driven photocatalyst for methylene blue dye degradation. 2023高分子學會年會
Thakshila Nadeeshani Dharmapriya, Shih-Yang Wu, and Po-Jung Huang (2023 Jan.) Hydrogel Used as Catalysts for Biofuel Generation. 2023高分子學會年會
Fang-yu Liang and Po-Jung Huang (2022 Nov.) Porphyrin-based Metal-Organic Framework for CO2 capture and conversion. 台灣化學工程學會69週年年會暨科技部化學工程學門成果發表會/前瞻分子工程研討會
Shun-Han Tang and Po-Jung Huang (2022 Nov.) Melamine-based COFs for CO2 Capture. 台灣化學工程學會69週年年會暨科技部化學工程學門成果發表會/前瞻分子工程研討會
Shun-Han Tang and Po-Jung Huang (2022 Nov.) Synthesis of Amino-based Covalent Organic Framework and its adsorption behavior. 2022 The Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering.
Jhe-Hong Lin and Po-Jung Huang (2022 Nov.). Study on Removal of TBBPA in Water by Liquid Membrane System. 2022 The Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering.
Jian-Zhong Wang and Po-Jung Huang (2022 Nov.).
Development of DES Systems for Converting Wastepaper to Raw Material of
Plastic. 2022 The Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering.
Fang-yu Liang, Yu-Jie Chen, Po-Jung Huang (2022 July). A photocatalytic reduction of nitrate in water over metal-doped TiO2. Taipei International Conference on Catalysis (TICC-2022)
Fang-yu Liang, Yi-Hao Chen, Shun-Han Tang and Po-Jung Huang (2022, Jan). A study of photocatalytic degradation of Methylene Blue Dye by Post-Synthesis Modification of Metal-organic framework. 台灣化學工程學會68週年年會暨科技部化學工程學門成果發表會/前瞻分子工程研討會
Zhi-Feng Ye, and Po-Jung Huang (2022, Jan).
Degradation of organic pollutants by immobilized enzyme fabricated by micro fluidic system. 台灣化學工程學會68週年年會暨科技部化學工程學門成果發表會/前瞻分子工程研討會
Sravani Jaligama, Po-Jung Huang, and Jun Kameoka (2016, Aug). Novel 3D coaxial
flow-focusing nozzle device for the production of monodispersed collagen
microspheres. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2016
IEEE 38th Annual International Conference.
Brian Walton, Po-Jung Huang, Jun Kameoka, Nicolaas Deutz, and Gerard L. Coté
(2016, Mar). Development of an optofluidic SERS based biomedical sensor.
SPIE, International Society for Optics and Photonics, San Francisco, California,
United States.
Haley Marks, Samuel Mabbott, Po-Jung Huang, George W. Jackson, Jun
Kameoka, Duncan Graham, and Gerard L. Coté (2016, Mar). Comparison of Fe2O3
and Fe2CoO4 core-shell plasmonic nanoparticles for aptamer mediated SERS
assays. SPIE, International Society for Optics and Photonics, San Francisco,
California, United States.
Po-Jung Huang, Sina Baghbani Kordmahale, Chao-Kai Chou, Hirohito
Yamaguchi, and Mien-Chie Hung (2016, Mar). Development of automated high
throughput single molecular microfluidic detection platform for signal
transduction analysis . SPIE, International Society for Optics and Photonics, San
Francisco. 本人為第一作者.
Po-Jung Huang, Fang-Yu Liang, Thakshila Nadeeshani Dharmapriya, and Chih-Ming Kao (2023) Microconstituents in the Environment. In Zhang Tian C, Kao Chih-Ming, Surampalli Rao Y., Ghangrekar Makarand M, Bhunia Puspendu, Behera Manaswini, & Rout Prangya R (Eds.) Microconstituents in Surface Water-Occurrence,Fate, Removal and Management (pp. 141-177)
Wang, M., Huang, P. J., Kameoka, J., Chou, C. K., Tsou, P. H., Yamaguchi, H., & Hung, M. C. (2017). Nanofluidic Strategies for Cancer Research. In P. O'Brien, J. Edel, A. Ivanov, & M. Kim (Eds.), Nanofluidics, 2nd Edition (41 ed., pp. 114-149). (RSC Nanoscience and Nanotechnology; Vol. 2017-January, No. 41). Royal Society of Chemistry.